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Why did my verification get rejected?


1. Why was my ID verification rejected?

Your ID verification might have been rejected for several reasons, including:
Mismatch of Information: The details you provided (such as name, date of birth, or nationality) do not match the information on your ID document.
Unsupported Document: The ID document you submitted ais not supported by the verification system.
Unclear Image: The image of your ID document is blurry or unclear, making it difficult to verify.
Expired Document: The ID document you submitted is expired or invalid.

2. Why was my address verification rejected?

Address verification can be rejected due to:
Incorrect Address: The address you provided does not match the address on your submitted document.
Unsupported Document: The document you submitted for address verification is not accepted (e.g., certain types of utility bills or bank statements).
Unclear Image: The image of your address document is not clear enough to read.
Expired Document: The document you submitted is outdated or expired.

3. Why was my document verification rejected?

Document verification might be rejected for reasons such as:
Incorrect Information: The information on your document does not match the details you provided in your application.
Unsupported Document: The document you submitted is not recognized or accepted by the verification system.
Unclear Image: The image of your document is blurry or unclear.
Expired Document: The document you submitted is expired or invalid.

4. Why was my biometric verification rejected?

Biometric verification can be rejected due to:
Mismatch of Biometric Data: The biometric data (such as fingerprints or facial recognition) does not match the data on file.
Poor Quality Data: The biometric data captured is of poor quality, making it difficult to verify.
Technical Issues: There may be technical issues with the biometric verification system.

5. Why was my financial verification rejected?

Financial verification might be rejected for reasons such as:
Incorrect Information: The financial information you provided does not match the details on your submitted documents.
Unsupported Document: The document you submitted for financial verification is not accepted (e.g., certain types of bank statements or financial records).
Unclear Image: The image of your financial document is not clear enough to read.
Expired Document: The document you submitted is outdated or expired.